Haven’t put any thought into your Halloween costume this year? No worries! Try one of these last-minute costume ideas.
Go Retro
Everybody has some old clothes tucked away, just waiting for the season when they’re in fashion again. Maybe it’s an old flannel shirt from the ‘90s, neon and wristbands from the ‘80s, or even bellbottom jeans. Call back to times gone by and bring those old threads out of retirement. A little time in front of the mirror can help turn back the clock as well, as you can style your hair to match what was in vouge during the era you’re going for. Slick back your hair, or stand it up in a pompadour for a ‘50s rockabilly look, straighten it out for the ‘60s and ‘70s, or tease it wild and feathery for the ‘80s.
Familiar Faces
The right costume can evoke fond memories and bring a smile to your neighbors’ faces, and no one could warm hearts like Mr. Rogers. A sweater and sneakers are the mainstay articles of Mr. Rogers’ look, and you can drive the idea home by fashioning a quick puppet out of socks, paper bags, or even felt and cloth if you have the time and inspiration. Bob Ross also used his airtime to brighten his audience’s day, and you can add some color to a very simple costume by grabbing a painter’s palette and a brush. If you have any old paint-splattered jeans or other clothes you’ve previously used for a painting project, those splotches will go a long way to enhance the look.
Throw Something Together
A lot of fun ideas can come together with just a little creativity. Do you have any striped shirts? Yellow and black can be the basis for a bumble bee costume, and if your friend has a white jump suit, they’re ready to join you as a bee keeper. Black and white can pair with a simple mask for an old-fashioned bandit look, while red and white suggest Waldo when you add glasses or a bobble hat.
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